Monday, December 24, 2012

History Will Reveal the true Story of the Stolen African

Only History will tell the real story

I have been arguing the point to Black women for years, that they sold  out  the Civil rights movement to join the women rights movement , which only benefited white women. This allowed the Black Man to have his turn skipped in the Economic come-up. White women and Europeans like the Irish and Italian were allowed to jump the line that Black men waited on for so many harsh years. The Unions still would not allow Blacks to join ,yet took uneducated European Immigrants in droves. If Black men would have got their fare turn in the Economics of this country we really helped built , things would be different. In all fairness, what group paid more dues than the Stolen African slaves that became Americans. Hundreds of years of rape, genocide, indignity, and assimilation under the hands of Religious Europeans. We still did not react in the violence we really had right to during slavery. We fight through marches and trying to create our own identity. We begged to fight in the wars that the United States were involved in to show our love/loyalty for this country that has treated us so badly. Black people have always fought and died for this country. Our reward was Jim Crow and the KKK.

I look across the world I see many examples of dark skin people being treated the same way. In India about 85% of the people are Black as night, these are the untouchables in the caste system. In most Latin countries there are more black people than white and its the same there. The dark skin are the poor and so called violent and uneducated while the Light skin people are in power. The Caribbean islands are the same as well as mexico and so on. This is way bigger than African Americans. I refuse to believe that people of color are less capable than others especially when I am aware that all humans come from Black people in Africa. I know that Blacks were the original Egyptians that were responsible for many of the greatest inventions and were the creators of civilization. This is not about intelligence, its about suppression. So part of me takes great honor in this role I play in society as a Black man. I'll be the Thug, Gangster, loser, bum, uneducated, violent, angry, good for nothing jailbird, deadbeat dad, the angry  Black man. I believe that when we look back on this time from the future, I will be looked at as the Hero ,who survived under terrible conditions. Who kept a sense of dignity and pride despite what the colonizer says I am. My children will be grow to pass this pride to the next generation. The Nazi had many Jewish people in Jails. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison in South Africa, Martin Luther King a reverend was sent to jail . So it actually makes sense that a large number of Blacks fill the jails. Now in no way am I excusing the ignorant , misguided Black men that kill and rob their own people. I have very little mercy for these types but I again understand how we as a people (Ignorantly) and society (intentionally) may have played a large role in these young men becoming who they are. We are living in the moment but history has a way revealing the truth as time moves on. Today Thugs Tomorrow Heroes.