Monday, January 21, 2013

Second Thoughts

My gut just told me I made a mistake in voting for Obama, not that it would have mattered much since I believe he would have won no matter what. Romney was a throw away. He was so clownishly bad that you cant possibly believe he was a true candidate. The leaked video was done to finish the job. Obama is the only man able to continue the policies of destroying our civil liberties. Since 911 the government has taken away many rights such as the right to unreasonable searches (NY stop and frisk), right to jury and speedy trial (Patriot act). The govt can collect and store data on you forever by law now. Computers monitor and store everything about you without your true consent. The Govt now can access your info without any evidence. We can now plan and assassinate American citizens without a trial. You can be accused of being a terrorist with no evidence and be held indefinitely without seeing a judge or an attorney. Local school Boards have been taken over by the states and cities . The federal govt under threat of cutting off money force local communities to do what they want as with No Child Left Behind which I though Obama was against. Workers rights to negotiate are being tossed out (right to work states). 
What about crime and the Nixon started War on drugs which has the USA as the number one country in the world that imprisons its own people. A War that unfairly target the most vulnerable people in our societies, which are the poor and downtrodden. A war that has a never ending list of casualties. A war that has created more violence than it has stopped. A war that has helped create pre-civil war like condition in America. What about Chicago, Newark, Brooklyn, Detroit , Philly and many other cities that gun violence has plagued for many years. Why was it okay for thousands to have died on your first term but it took the tragedy at Sandy Hook to motivate you and Govt. Whats your take on inner city violence? Is it to create more prison? Or is it to create a better climate in which poor people may have a path to being law abiding tax paying citizens? Or do you believe that most Black people are really lazy as they tried to paint you in the first debate. What about them jobs? You Know there's is a real correlation between violence and joblessness. So maybe if there were more good paying jobs that people in poverty were trained to do maybe the violence in the ghettos of america would diminish. Maybe minority kids would do better in school. Maybe welfare would drop to almost nothing. Maybe our prisons population goes down tremendously. Can it all be so simple? I guess not. So the answer continues to be the continuous cycle of poverty,uneducated, bad decision, drugs, jail, felony, no future jail or death for so many. Why do we keep attacking the problem without attacking the cause. The Root of the problem in an unfair economic/social system in our country. Until we attack the root we will continue to chase our tails as a society. 
This idea that President Obama cant deal with specific issues dealing with blacks who gave him 98 percent of there votes and came out in record numbers for him is absurd. I also believe that Black Americas problems are American problems. By helping Blacks and other oppressed people , he would be helping America in the best way possible. Yet we can not even have this discussion because he is Black. Maybe he doesn't realize that we carry a lot of his weight as well. The disrespect showed to you in your first term is the same disrespect we have always endured and now that you are the H.N.I.C. , it is worse than ever. Maybe in your elite circle of Beyonce, ,Jay Z and Oprah , you might be jaded to the realities of the oppressed. The same thing that drew you to Black enclaves of New York and Chicago. What did you learn about half of you? Did you get a chance to watch roots by Alex Haley ? I wonder what you think when you watch these movies?

P.S. The Clinton's and sh*t either!