Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Purpose of Religion

    I know a lot of people may dislike me for this statement but it is really time to get away from this thing called religion.  I really cant think of any positive it has brought to the world. It has nothing to do with God or the true words of the Great books inspired by God. It is a dictatorship that has a corporate hierarchy.  So much money flows through the church that it cant be a place of god. As I remember Jesus wore the same basic clothes as the people he served. He didn't wear extravagant cloths and lived in palaces, yet the leaders of all these churches live like kings. Who are they following? Does God really require this or want this ? Jesus converted people through love and healing. Religion convert through threats, extortion, fear,rape , assault and murder.  Think of the Crusade wars which was started by Christians. Think of colonialism which was done based on 50 percent profits and 50 % religion.  The conquistadors were lead by a priest! They converted Africans, South Americans, North Americans  using fear , murder and cultural genocide, all in the name of profits and Religion. Think of the protestants who left Europe in the name of Religious freedom yet come to a new land and steal and murder the natives who worshiped God differently than them. Still to this day they profit off stolen lands and the people who owned and built this land are still poor and trapped in the worst of circumstances. If Jesus was the president of the United States or the World , what would it look like? Nothing like it does today.
    I am not an atheist and i do have a love and respect for the great Spirit, Architect, God , Allah, Jah, or whatever you choose to call him/her/it. I believe that there is only one source in which good and bad both come from. The opposites make it a reality. It makes life three dimensional.  The truth is that all religions are intertwined from again the same source that is older than our books and history. There is truth in all of the Great books. The problem is that the books and knowledge is in the wrong hands. I believe (d)evil has stolen the knowledge and with it , the power that comes with it.  If you have studied your bible you will know the story foretold of the last days. It is written that two beast will come , one from the land, and one from the sea. It is written that one of the beast will become the leader of the world, he will fool the people into believing that he is righteous. Most of the people will willingly follow the beast. The devil will have reign over the Earth for a 1000 years. Now keep in mind that i dont take the great books words literally , that would be too simple in my opinion to come from God. The truth is in the feeling those words inspire in man. The book  displays all the greatness and flaws that man either repeats or conquers in life. The Great books tell stories of mans great spiritual triumphs, as well as our spiritual failings. It is too inspire us to be in his true image, God Like. It is not to oppress or suppress our energy. It is not about rules, it is about freedom and love. As I get closer to the great spirit i find myself moving further away from Religion.

P.S. I had Christianity in mind when I wrote this but that wouldn't be fair , so I extended this to all religious organizations.

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